Friday, July 22, 2016

jQuery - Searching a multi-dimensional array

Last days ago, I had an issue to search multi-dimensional arrays in JavaScript / jQuery.
This post will give you a quick example how it works.

First we create an multi-dimensional array.
In my example we create an array for each employee...

var hansi = { firstName: "Hansi", lastName: "Hansen", wage: "2000" };
var paul = { firstName: "Paul", lastName: "Paulsen", wage: "1900" };
var otto = { firstName: "Otto", lastName: "Ottensen", wage: "1500" };
var thomas = { firstName: "Thomas", lastName: "Tomate", wage: "2500" };

...and then push them all together in another array. And here is our multi-dimensional array:

var employees = [hansi, paul, otto, thomas];

Now we want to search for an employee with the first name "Thomas", so we define a variable with the search term:

var searchValue = "Thomas";

Then we use the grep function from jQuery to search for the term "Thomas" in our multi-dimensional array:

var result = $.grep(employees, function (e) {
   return e.firstName == searchValue;

Now we just need to check our results variable:

if (result.length == 0) {
   alert('Error: ' + searchValue + ' not found');
} else if (result.length == 1) {
   employee = result[0];
} else {
   alert('Error: Multiple items found');

See the results:

Employee Details: First Name: Thomas / Last Name: Tomate / Wage: 2500

Here is the complete code again:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script   src=""   integrity="sha256-cCueBR6CsyA4/9szpPfrX3s49M9vUU5BgtiJj06wt/s="   crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

var hansi = { firstName: "Hansi", lastName: "Hansen", wage: "2000" };
var paul = { firstName: "Paul", lastName: "Paulsen", wage: "1900" };
var otto = { firstName: "Otto", lastName: "Ottensen", wage: "1500" };
var thomas = { firstName: "Thomas", lastName: "Tomate", wage: "2500" };

var employees = [hansi, paul, otto, thomas];

var searchValue = "Thomas";
var result = $.grep(employees, function (e) {
return e.firstName == searchValue;

if (result.length == 0) {
alert('Error: ' + searchValue + ' not found');
} else if (result.length == 1) {
employee = result[0];
} else {
alert('Error: Multiple items found');

document.write("Employee Details: ");
document.write("First Name: " + employee.firstName + " / ");
document.write("Last Name: " + employee.lastName + " / ");
document.write("Wage: " + employee.wage + " ");

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Heute mal in Deutsch, da ich den genauen Wortlaut der englischen Fehlermeldung nicht kenne. :-)

Das Thema ist mal wieder SQL.

Ich hatte vor kurzem bei einem SQL Statement folgenden Fehler:

"Fehler bei SELECT, da die folgenden SET-Optionen falsche Einstellungen aufweisen: 'ARITHABORT'. Überprüfen Sie, ob die SET-Optionen für die Verwendung mit indizierten Sichten und/oder Indizes für berechnete Spalten und/oder gefilterte Indizes und/oder Abfragebenachrichtigungen und/oder XML-Datentypmethoden und/oder Vorgänge für räumliche Indizes richtig sind."

Dieser Fehler ist in der Regel recht einfach zu beheben. Es muss lediglich der Wert für ARITHABORT auf ON festgelegt werden und schon funktioniert die Abfrage (zumindest in meinem Fall :-) ).


Ich hoffe, ich euch damit viel Sucherei ersparen...

Friday, July 15, 2016

SQL Query - Get multiple row results in one column with XML and STUFF()

Today I want to show you, how you can put the results of an SQL query into one column.

First I create a temporarily table for our data and fill some data in it:

CREATE TABLE #table (product nvarchar(255)) 

SELECT 'product-1' as product
SELECT 'product-2' as product
SELECT 'product-3' as product
SELECT 'product-4' as product

Now we have our base table for our query. Here are the results of this table

select * from #table


Now we can see, we have 4 rows with our example products. Maybe we have a requirement to put all products in one row. This can be done by using the STUFF function and XML.
Here is the code:

select STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + t.product
                    from #table t (nolock)
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
        ,1,1,'') as allProducts

Now the result of this query is this:


Hope you enjoyed this lesson.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

SharePoint 2010 - New Feature in already deployed solution does not appear

Yesterday, I have created a new feature in an existing SharePoint 2010 solution.
I wrote my code and added the parts to the feature. When I finished my work, I update the solution as usual with this code:

Update-SPSolution -Identity mysolution.wsp -LiteralPath "C:\C#\_DN\MySolution\MySolution\bin\Debug\mysolution.wsp" -GACDeployment

Next, I went to the site collection features and wanted to activate it, but the feature was not appearing in the site collection feature list. What the ...!?!?

After a short Google search I found a solution for this problem.  We need to execute some commands in the PowerShell (SharePoint 2010 Management Shell):

Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures

This command will list all not installed features.
You will find your new feature in this list. Now you can install it with the following command:

Install-SPFeature -AllExistingFeatures

After successful execution of this command your feature will appear.